Monthly Archives: January 2014

Final Word – for now

This is the last post on this blog – for now.  Yesterday, Cindy left the hospital and went home for the first time in two months.  Her job now is to rest and recuperate from the ordeal she experienced for the last two months.  She will be getting physical and occupational therapy at home so she can function on her own without the help of a walker.  She sometimes needs oxygen to breath.  The original cause of her condition is a hiatal hernia and an inverted stomach that has cozied itself in her thoracic cavity under her right breast near her lungs and heart.  She will need surgery to correct this problem. 

On a spiritual note, yesterday was also our father’s Yahrzeit – the Hebrew anniversary of his death.  She went into the hospital on the anniversary of our mother’s death (on the Gregorian calendar).  It seems to me that this health scare was a spiritual message from our parents to Cindy. Cindy says she remembers my parents speaking to her during the last couple of months but can’t remember what they said.  I expect they are still staying close to her, making sure she gets healthy and strong enough for the surgery.
I will start posting on this blog again when Cindy has her surgery.
Cindy and Rita posted the following on Facebook.  I am posting it here in case you haven’t seen it:
From Cindy and Rita January 1, 2014
It is the New Year and I am truly blessed. Two months ago I was taken to the Hospital and suffered cardiac arrest, kidney failure, and my lungs were giving out. My family and friends who were with me day after day, were given no hope for me by my doctors. Rita told everyone “Don’t count her out!” You could count on Rita, Mary, Debbie(my sister), Lucy and Tony (Rita’s Parents), and Ann (a good friend) who made sure someone was always at my side. Either praying for my recovery …or screaming at me to wake up. Debbie and Rita reached out to my family and friends with updates on my health. There was an out pouring of prayers, well wishes, and love. Debbie put out a blog that would be updated each day. With all the support and prayers, my recovery has been amazing. After the first month I was transfer to a second hospital to ween off my trake. Rita would work from the hospital and make sure I was getting what I needed and not ignored (especially since I could not speak). Debbie would come by everyday. Mary would come by often but (even with her BAD back) when she was at home, painting (with some help from Rita) my room and cleaning my carpet, and putting up a bannister for my 3 steps to my room, her gift for my recovery. My Hospital room was usually filled with visitors giving me support and prays. After 2 months, on New Years Eve, they released me to go home finally, I still need to learn how to walk again, but I am getting in home therapy for that. And again Rita and Mary are helping me all the way. My recovery was nothing but amazing, so much so that one of my doctors in the 2nd hospital told me to go and surprise my lung doctor from the first hospital, who did not think I would recover.
I tell this because I am truly amazed how everyone rallied around me and I feel very blessed!
I want to Wish Everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year and to be sure you treasure those around you!!!